Term: idoneus
Definition: Idoneus is a Latin word that means appropriate or suitable. It was used in Roman law to describe a person or thing that was considered responsible or solvent. For instance, a man who was responsible and could be trusted was known as an idoneus homo. Similarly, a pledge that provided enough security was called idonea cautio. In simple terms, idoneus refers to something or someone that is a good fit for a particular situation or purpose. For example, if a company is looking for a candidate to fill a job position, they will look for someone who is idoneus for the role, meaning someone who has the necessary skills and experience to do the job well.




Experience in the financial sector is extremely valuable, especially when this experience spans diverse sectors, from non-profit organizations to large multinationals. This variety provides a unique perspective on different financial structures and business models, as well as insight into how financial strategies can be tailored to the specific needs of each organization. With the current trends in digitalization and data analysis, it is becoming increasingly important to be flexible and adaptable in the financial sector. The integration of new technologies such as blockchain and the emphasis on sustainability are just some of the developments shaping the future of finance. Furthermore, the financial sector plays a crucial role in the economy, with large companies having a significant impact on employment and market dynamics. It is clear that a broad experience in finance, spanning different sectors, is not only valuable for personal growth, but also essential for contributing to the evolution of the financial landscape.


Background:With experience in lot of industries, but specialised in hospitality  I can help you in yours.

The financial background I had for about 30 years is a big positive issue for your investments.


To bring your company to a higher value for your shareholders or to find the most profitable exit of your company,

you can always contact me.